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General Information

Spruce ECHS
General Information

Eastfield College Career and Technical Education Early College High School at H, Grady Spruce is the first CTE Early College High School in the Dallas Metroplex area.  Students engage in a rigorous and supportive academic program that blends high school and college work that enables students to graduate with a high school diploma, an Associate's Degree in Applied Science from Dallas College Eastfield Campus, and a Technical Certificate in one of four pathways:

  • Advanced Manufacturing/Mechatronics Technology
  • Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology
  • Computer-Aided Drafting and Design
  • Digital Multimedia Technology 

Click here for program brochures

ECHS students are located at Spruce High School for 9th and 10th grades and will be on the Eastfield Campus main campus for 11th and 12th. Dual Credit courses for students in the Digital Multimedia pathway will begin spring of their 9th-grade year and HVAC students will travel to Eastfield Campus for Dual Credit courses during the fall of their sophomore year. Transportation is provided, as well as free breakfast and lunch to all qualifying students.  

Our early college objectives are to:
  • Create a means to higher education for first-generation college-going students;
  • Develop course work that mimics a college setting in which students receive intense academic counseling to help them develop skills essential for post-secondary success;
  • Increase college attendance and success rates for all students;
  • Strengthen the connections among middle schools, high schools, and higher education to promote a college-going culture. 
For more information contact: 
Rachel Burleson
Program Coordinator
(972) 892-5544 


The program is made possible through the collaborative efforts of Dallas ISD and Dallas College. College tuition is paid through scholarships provided by Dallas College. Books and transportation are paid for through Dallas ISD.